#ab43ea Color
Color Codes | |
Hex Code | #ab43ea |
RGB Code | rgb(171, 67, 234) |
HSL Code | hsl(277, 80%, 59%) |
#ab43ea Color Syntax
rgb(Red, Green, Blue); rgba(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha); main { background-color: rgb(171, 67, 234); }
R(red), G(green), B(blue) can be number between 0-255.
A parameter is a hex characters (0–9, A–F) and optional.
hsl(hue saturation lightness); hsl(hue saturation lightness / alpha); div { background-color: hsl(277, 80%, 59%); }
Saturation value is a percentage value between 0% unsaturated and 100% fully saturated.
Lightness value is a percentage value between 100% is white and 0% is black.
Lighter and darker colors of #ab43ea
RGB Code | Hex Code | Preview |
rgb(171, 67, 234, 10%) | #ab43ea1a | |
rgb(171, 67, 234, 20%) | #ab43ea33 | |
rgb(171, 67, 234, 40%) | #ab43ea4C | |
rgb(171, 67, 234, 60%) | #ab43ea99 | |
rgb(171, 67, 234, 80%) | #ab43eaCC | |
rgb(171, 67, 234, 100%) | #ab43eaFF |
Saturated and desaturated colors of #ab43ea
HSL Code | Preview |
hsl(277, 10%, 59%) | |
hsl(277, 20%, 59%) | |
hsl(277, 40%, 59%) | |
hsl(277, 60%, 59%) | |
hsl(277, 80%, 59%) | |
hsl(277, 100%, 59%) |
#ab43ea Color Usage In CSS
body { color: #ab43ea; } p { color: rgb(171, 67, 234); } header { border-bottom:1px solid #ab43ea; }